International Students' Guide to the Dudley Knox Library

More About Ebooks

See our Ebooks guide for detailed information on using our Ebook collections.

Library Search

Books, Ebooks, Theses, Reports & More

Find out what we have by using Library Search

The library maintains a catalog of the print and electronic items in our collections.  Search it to find out which books, articles, journals and other items the library owns.

Materials in the Library are arranged by call numbers on the shelves.  The library has "open stacks," which means library users locate the materials they need themselves; no permission is needed. 

Some of the most commonly used materials are in these collections:

  • General collection: books are located on the 2nd floor.  Videos, DVDs and CDs are located on the 1st floor.  
  • Periodical collection: print journals, newspapers, magazines, located on the 1st floor.
  • Reserve collection: high demand texts and resources that can be borrowed for use in the Library.  These materials are held at the Information Desk.

NPS students may borrow most materials for a period of 3 months.  There are exceptions.  Find out more about borrowing privileges.

Use Calhoun to Find NPS Theses

To find NPS theses use Calhoun, the NPS Institutional Archive.


Interlibrary Loan Services

If you need materials our library does not own, we can borrow them for you from other libraries. Find out more about Interlibrary Loan

Need research help?


Ask a Librarian



Help with research; search strategies; finding books, articles, reports on a topic; finding NPS theses; citations & Zotero; library accounts and access