Library Search

Information about the library search

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What is the New Library Search?

One Search Box

The new library search finds articles, books, ebooks, theses, journals and much more, all from a single search box on our homepage.

Quicker Access to Full-text Articles

Full-text articles are a click away. No more need to identify an appropriate database to search!

Single Sign-On

Sign in with your NPS credentials to access all library services! No need to remember a separate library password. Once you log in, you can access the library's licensed content from on and off campus without coming in through the VPN or being prompted for your library account information to log into the proxy server.

Should I Use the New Search or a Database?

Use the new Library Search when:

  • You don't have a lot of time to do your research
  • You just need enough information to get started 
  • You want a wide variety of material types
  • You want to get a general  sense of what the library has available 

Use an individual database if:

  • It's not included in the list of databases the new library search covers (see the list elsewhere on this page)
  • You want to thoroughly research your topic and/or use sophisticated search techniques and terminology unique to a particular database
  • You want very recent information - there is usually a lag between when an item is published and when it becomes available through the library searc


Databases Not in Library Search

The library search includes many, but not all, of our databases. Below is a list of some of the databases that it does not search. To search these databases, use the links below, or our Databases List

Databases Not in Library Search

Some of our databases are not included in the Library Search. You will need to search these databases directly and individually using the links below, or go to our Article & Research Databases page