Complex queries can be set in the first or top search box.
Click Search to execute the search.
Phrase searching
Use double quotes (".") to search exact phrases.
Example: "decision tree"
Search within a specific field
Field | Use | Example |
Title | dc.title: | dc.title:"decision tree" |
Author | | |
Advisor | dc.contributor.advisor: | dc.contributor.advisor:washburn |
Second Reader | dc.contributor.secondreader: | dc.contributor.secondreader:washburn |
Department | dc.contributor.department: | dc.contributor.department:Information Sciences |
Mix and match these fields for more specific queries. More information about available fields can be found on the application metadata page.
Using a wildcard
Use ? for a single-character wildcard.
Example: wom?n
(returns results for both woman and women)
Use * for a multi-character wildcard.
Example: lead*
(returns results for lead, leads, leader, leadership, lead-cooled, leadtime, leading, etc.)
Note: Don't use this feature with double quotes, or it will treat your wildcard search as an exact phrase, that is, as a word containing ? or *.
Fuzzy search
Use ~ for a fuzzy search.
Example: nsma~
(returns results for sea, CSMA, NCMAs, NSAM, NOMA, etc.)
A fuzzy search works only with single terms and is appropriate when you want to cast a broad net. This may be a useful if you are searching for an acronym but are unsure about its exact spelling and usage.
Proximity search
Use double quotes (".") and ~(#) to search for words within a given proximity of one another.
Example: "tree decision"~10
(returns results where the works tree and decision are within 10 words of one another.
Boosting a search term
Use ^ to increase the weight of a term's relevance to the search.
Example: "decision tree" "nps"^5
Note: this feature only works with multiple term searches.
Boolean operators
Use AND, +, OR, -, and NOT to add logical structures to searches.
Example: decision AND tree / decision +tree
(returns results that contain both terms)
Example: decision OR tree
(returns results that contain decision or tree)
Example: decision NOT tree / decision -tree
(returns results that contain decision but not tree)
Note: Operators must be in upper case. If using symbols, do not include a space between the symbol and the term.
Use ( ) to group logical structures.
Example: "decision tree" AND ("Naval Postgraduate School" OR NPS)
(returns results that contain the exact phrases "decision tree" AND "Naval Postgraduate School", as well as "decision tree" AND NPS)
Date ranges
Use dateIssued:[YYYY TO YYYY] to find a span of documents published during a specified period of time.
Example: dateIssued:[1986 TO 1990]
(returns results where the items were published between 1986 and 1990)
Note: Both the I in issued and TO must be upper case for this search to run correctly.
Combining search techniques
Use multiple search techniques in combination for a very specific search.
Example: (dc.title:electromagnetic OR dc.title:"electro magnetic") AND "spectrum operations" AND dateIssued:[2020 TO 2024]