The Defense Acquisition Visibility Environment (DAVE) provides Department of Defense personnel with access to accurate, authoritative, and reliable data to support acquisition oversight, insight, analysis, and decision-making. DAVE is the authoritative source for Program Information for major programs and provides access to data and capabilities that can give you material for analysis, as a student, and for doing your job, as an acquisition professional.
To request access to DAVE, NPS students, faculty, and staff should first contact the NPS POC, Charles Pickar. This is NOT a library resource and we cannot help you obtain access to it.
Acquisition Information Repository (AIR)
(AIR account required)
Access milestone documents for ACAT I and some lower ACAT programs.
Acquisition Visibility Data Framework (ADVF)
Need to understand Acquisition data in context? The AVDF provides the Acquisition community a set of integrated products supporting the Acquisition Visibility Data Matrix (AVDM). The AVDF establishes a data standard for DoD that integrates existing AV data components within the context of a use case.
Cost & Funding Chart
Captures the primary acquisition and sustainment program budgets and funds-required estimates
Data Opportunities Visualization
Identify sources of data to use in solving Acquisition problems
Data Sets
Raw data for analysis
Program Submissions
View or create Program Submissions, such as Program Identification Data (PID) submissions for Middle Tier of Acquisition (MTA) programs, Program Progress Submissions (PPS) , or Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) submissions.
Reference Environment for the Business of Acquisition (REBA)
Information about Defense Acquisition data: where to find it, who has responsibility for it, what policies govern it, and more.
SAR/MAR Catalog
Authoritative Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Annual Report (MAR) that were submitted to Congress
With links to other acquisition sites:
THe following reference books are available in the Library or online, if a URL is provided below.
This is a very selective list.