Business, Management & Economics

Resources for finding NPS theses, MBA professional reports, EMBA project reports, and Master of Science in Management theses, and non-NPS theses, dissertations, and reports

NPS Theses & Dissertations

You will find links to both archives (Public and Restricted).

NPS Theses and Dissertations

NPS Theses & Dissertations (publicly releasable)


NPS Archive: Calhoun

Find publicly releasable NPS-authored scholarly works (Theses, Dissertations, Capstone Project Reports, MBA Professional Reports, Joint Applied Project Reports, and other NPS degree-earning written works)

NPS Outstanding Theses (publicly releasable)

Outstanding Thesis recognitions are given to students who have exhibited exceptional quality in their thesis research work.

  • Publicly releasable only
  • This list is school-wide, but you can filter by Department using the dropdown menus

Department filter

Department of Defense Management Theses

NPS MBA Professional Reports, EMBA Project Reports, Master of Science in Management Theses (Public)

Defense Acquisition Innovation Repository

NPS Theses & Dissertations (restricted)

restricted lockControlled Unclassified Information 2001-present

NPS-authored scholarly works (NPS Theses, Dissertations, Capstone Project Reports, MBA Professional Reports, Joint Applied Project Reports, and other degree-earning works)


Who can access?

To request an account, you must be both of these:

  • Current NPS member 
  • Federal employee/contractor or U.S. military

If asked to login to Microsoft, use your NPS email address.

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Search the Restricted Collection


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Non-NPS Theses, Dissertations & Reports

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