
How to find and obtain copies of NPS theses and MBA reports

"Every" Energy Thesis from NPS (updated 5/18/2020)

Find Public NPS Theses & Dissertations


NPS Archive: Calhoun

Find publicly releasable NPS-authored scholarly works (Theses, Dissertations, Capstone Project Reports, MBA Professional Reports, Joint Applied Project Reports, and other NPS degree-earning written works)

Finding NPS Theses on any topic (including energy topics)

There are three primary sources for unclassified, unlimited NPS theses and dissertations.  The main source is Calhoun (the NPS Institutional Archive), which includes publicly releasable degree-earning works from the most recent back to 1923.  DTIC Online includes many NPS theses among other DOD documents,  and the Library Search, which includes NPS theses among other items in our collections.  All are linked below.

Find NPS "Outstanding Theses" in Calhoun

To see examples of excellent NPS theses, take a look at the Outstanding Theses link below.  Note that this collection covers every topic and curriculum.  Use Refine Results By to filter by department, date, etc.

NPS Theses & Dissertations (restricted)

restricted lockControlled Unclassified Information 2001-present

NPS-authored scholarly works (NPS Theses, Dissertations, Capstone Project Reports, MBA Professional Reports, Joint Applied Project Reports, and other degree-earning works)


Who can access?

To request an account, you must be both of these:

  • Current NPS member 
  • Federal employee/contractor or U.S. military

If asked to login to Microsoft, use your NPS email address.

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