Crime, education, environment, finance, food, gender, health, human development, indicators, industry, IT & communication, labor, national accounts, official development assistance, population, refugees, tourism, trade
Use the "Data" tab to access the various topical databases listed below.
UN Data (30+ databases), Open SDG Data Hub, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online, SDG Indicators Global Database, UN Comtrade, National Accounts Main Aggregates, Joint Organisations Data Initiative, Disability Statistic Database, Population Census Datasets, Population and Vital Statistics Report, Demographic Yearbook System, Minimum Set of Gender Indicators, UNSD Questionnaires
Complete historical record of United States’ foreign aid to the rest of the world by reporting all loans and grants authorized by the U.S. Government for each fiscal year from FY2002 forward.
Data by country, by topic, by indicators. Agriculture, aid effectiveness, economy & growth, education, energy & mining, environment, financial debt, financial sector, gender, health, infrastructure, labor & social protection, poverty, private & public sector, science & technology, social & urban development.
Updated twice yearly, this site allows to build information by region & country and then by national accounts information (e.g. GDP, inflation, imports, exports, unemployment and more). Coverage is from 1980 forward.