Have you thought about your online profile? There are so many options that will help you to get found and network with others (e.g. LinkedIn, Academia.edu, ResearchGate and more). But where do you start? Do you know what option(s) will be the right fit for you, your objectives and your research? This presentation will prime you to make informed decisions about building your profile on social/research networking sites
Addresses scholars' questions and concerns. Concludes that,"Despite the concerns about the technology and time it takes to create a digital identity, the most motivating fear of all turns out to be that of becoming irrelevant. And in this age of rapidly shifting scholarly communication, one of the most effective ways to be a scholar is to be one online."
Sponsored by the London School of Economics, the blog is for researches, staff, librarians, and others interested in maximizing the impact of academic work in social sciences and other disciplines.
August 2014 online article from Nature reports on results of a survey looking at scientists' and engineers' use of academic social media, particularly ResearchGate.
Short article reviewing the use of ResearcherID, Google Scholar Citations, and SCOPUS Author Identifier. Suggests linking between these (and other similar) services when possible.
From Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Fall 2014. Focuses on how to best set up and take advantage of the features of a Google Scholar Citations Profile, and reviews other tools.