Researcher Visibility

Get Into Calhoun..the Library Can Help

Calhoun is a Public Access Archive of NPS research, scholarship and other NPS documents.  

Contents in Calhoun include over 40,000 papers, videos, posters, podcasts, technical reports, graduate theses, dissertations and more.

Want to make sure your NPS work is publicly accessible?   We can help. The library provides services to handle locating your work, digitization, permissioning, full-cataloging and metadata and more. All we need is to know about it.  Contact us at the library to learn more.


Three Reasons to Make Sure your Work is Archived in Calhoun

1. Public Access promotes visibility for your NPS work.  Calhoun makes your work "publicly accessible". It's designed to be harvested, compliant with other repositories, and is fully indexed by Google Scholar.  Your work is given broad exposure.

2. Calhoun uses persistent "Handle" URLs.  Your work is up and stable, wherever you are, now and in the future. Links don’t break.

3. Calhoun archives your NPS work together, to keep a record of what you've worked on, advised, published, providing documentation you can use.

One more reason...The library can do everything from locating, to digitizing to cataloging your NPS work for preservation. Contact us at the library to learn more about getting into Calhoun.


We Believe in Open Access

Dudley Knox Library believes in open access to NPS research, in keeping with the Open Government Initiative.  NPS Archive: Calhoun began with President Obama's Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government

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