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Crime, education, environment, finance, food, gender, health, human development, indicators, industry, IT & communication, labor, national accounts, official development assistance, population, refugees, tourism, trade
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UN Data (30+ databases), Open SDG Data Hub, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online, SDG Indicators Global Database, UN Comtrade, National Accounts Main Aggregates, Joint Organisations Data Initiative, Disability Statistic Database, Population Census Datasets, Population and Vital Statistics Report, Demographic Yearbook System, Minimum Set of Gender Indicators, UNSD Questionnaires
Federal open government data site.
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Topics: Agriculture, climate, consumer, ecosystems, education, energy, finance, health, local government, manufacturing, maritime, ocean, public safety, science & research.
See also: for policies, tools, case studies, and other resources to support data governance, management, exchange, and use throughout the federal government
U.S. and international statistics. Sources include public, private/commercial, and nongovernmental organizations.
Statistics and Data, Business, Finance, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, International Studies, International Relations, Demography, Agriculture, Education, Criminal Justice, Housing and Construction, Labor and Employment, Energy Resources and Industries, Climate and Weather
Summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the US. 1878-2011. Data collection program eliminated Oct. 1, 2011, but refer to organizations cited in the source notes of data tables for more current data.