Use Calhoun to find previous NPS dissertations and theses in your area of interest. NPS theses can be searched by the usual author and title fields but you can also refine your search to locate theses of interest by Degree Award, and branch of service. To locate examples of high quality theses use the phrase "outstanding thesis."
Publicly releasable documents only in all areas of defense research (science, technology, engineering, social science, business & budget), DOD directives & instructions. DTIC is the central scientific, research, and engineering information support activity for the DOD.
Each product listed on the page must be searched separately.
This archive has limited search filtering capabilities. For a better search experience, you can use the National Technical Reports Library or if you are eligible, register and use the DTIC R&E Gateway and use the Advanced Search to filter for "A - Approved for Public Release" documents.
CAC login/registration required. Both publicly releasable and access controlled documents in all areas of defense research (science, technology, engineering, social science, business & budget), DOD directives & instructions. DTIC is the central scientific, research, and engineering information support activity for the DOD.
Click the Access-Controlled Sites tab. Access available to U.S. DOD/military employees and U.S. government employees and their contractors.
Scientific, technical, engineering & related business information by or for the U.S. government & complementary materials from international sources.
Includes publicly accessible DTIC reports in their Technical Reports Library. NTIS has a more fully functioning search interface.