Generative AI

What Is Generative AI and What Does It Mean for Students?

ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Bard are natural language processing models, a type of generative AI trained on large datasets of text. Through exposure to training data, they learn patterns that then allow them to generate novel content similar in style and structure. 

Many students are excited about this technology, but many are concerned about how and if they can use it effectively and avoid running afoul of academic integrity requirements. The interim guidance released by the NPS Office of the Provost is your first step to better understand NPS expectations for use of generative AI by students. We've also developed a memo and poster with suggestions for how to use generative AI tools to support your learning—and what to be mindful of to stay on the right track.

Citation and Use Guidance

The Generative AI task force has crafted citation and writing guidance for generative AI use in academic work.  

Find this guidance at the Dudley Knox Library's Citation LibGuide: Generative AI Citation Guide

Coming soon: Citation examples by citation style.

Citation Guide

Learn how to cite articles, books, reports, theses, government documents, etc. for NPS theses, papers, and publications.

Some Rules of the Road for Using Generative AI


Generative AI Use Disclosure for Supporting Writing: Examples


Example A

What to Cover Example Language

Acknowledge you have permission to use the AI tools in the way you have used them.

Professor Rinaldi and I agreed that I would use generative AI in a limited way, to clarify topic sentences and improve grammar, punctuation, and concision.
Identify what tool you used. I used Anthropic’s Claude 3.

Explain the reasoning for your use.

I used the tool to find and correct spelling and grammar errors, improve the topic sentences, and increase clarity and concision of my paragraphs.

Describe how you used it.


You may wish to include a selection of representative prompts or link to your chats.

I input each paragraph I wrote into Claude and asked for recommendations.

I used the same prompt for each paragraph: “Please review the following paragraph. First, make recommendations for how I could strengthen and focus the topic sentence. Then, in a table with three columns, present a side-by-side comparison of the original text and your recommended revisions for improving grammar, clarity, and conciseness. In the third column, provide an explanation of each recommendation.”

Identify any risks introduced by your use of AI and how you mitigated these risks. Describe your process of quality assurance. To reduce the risk that the tool would introduce language that I did not approve into my draft or make suggestions that did not improve the text, I reviewed each suggestion individually before adopting them. For additional quality control, I discussed my draft with a Graduate Writing Center coach.

Example A Written in Paragraph Form 

Professor Rinaldi and I agreed that I would use generative AI in a limited way, to clarify topic sentences and improve grammar, punctuation, and concision. I used Anthropic’s Claude 3 to find and correct spelling and grammar errors, improve the topic sentences, and increase clarity and concision of my paragraphs. 

I input each paragraph I wrote into Claude and asked for recommendations and used the same prompt for each paragraph: “Please review the following paragraph. First, make recommendations for how I could strengthen and focus the topic sentence. Then, in a table with three columns, present a side-by-side comparison of the original text and your recommended revisions for improving grammar, clarity, and conciseness. In the third column, provide an explanation of each recommendation.” 

To reduce the risk that the tool would introduce language that I did not approve into my draft or make suggestions that did not improve the text, I reviewed each suggestion individually before adopting them. For additional quality control, I discussed my draft with a Graduate Writing Center coach.


Example B

What to Cover Example Language

Acknowledge you have permission to use the AI tools in the way you have used them.

I got permission by email from Professor Xia, who required a specific description of how I would use AI and emphasized the importance of maintaining academic integrity. Prof Xia also required links to any chats where I worked on the paper.
Identify what tool you used. To support my writing process for this research paper, I used OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4.

Explain the reasoning for your use.

I used the tool at several stages of the writing process to help me generate ideas, refine my paper structure, and improve my syntax

Describe how you used it. 

You may wish to include a selection of representative prompts or link to your chats.

First, I identified a broad topic area of interest and asked it to suggest a list of possible research topics for my paper [link to chat]. I then explored some of these topics conversationally with the tool. Second, I asked it to make recommendations about an outline I had drafted [link to chat]. Third, I used it to find passive voice in my finished paragraphs [link to chat].

Identify any risks introduced by your use of AI and how you mitigated these risks. Describe your process of quality assurance.

To avoid the risk that I would rely too heavily on an AI tool to think through and decide on a topic, I also reviewed library materials and consulted with my professor about several options for my research topic. ChatGPT might have given feedback on my outline that was not aligned with expectations at NPS. Before committing to its suggestions, I used the drop-in desk at the GWC to get a coach’s input.

Example B Written in Paragraph Form 

To support my writing process for this research paper, I used OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4. I got permission by email from Professor Xia, who required a specific description of how I would use AI and emphasized the importance of maintaining academic integrity. Prof Xia also required links to any chats where I worked on the paper. 

I used the tool at several stages of the writing process to help me generate ideas, refine my paper structure, and improve my syntax. First, I identified a broad topic area of interest and asked it to suggest a list of possible research topics for my paper [link to chat]. I then explored some of these topics conversationally with the tool. Second, I asked it to make recommendations about an outline I had drafted [link to chat]. Third, I used it to find passive voice in my finished paragraphs [link to chat]. 

To avoid the risk that I would rely too heavily on an AI tool to think through and decide on a topic, I also reviewed library materials and consulted with my professor about several options for my research topic. ChatGPT might have given feedback on my outline that was not aligned with expectations at NPS. Before committing to its suggestions, I used the drop-in desk at the GWC to get a coach’s input.


Example C

What to Cover Example Language

Acknowledge you have permission to use the AI tools in the way you have used them.

Permission was granted via email following a discussion with my thesis advisor about research methodology standards.
Identify what tool you used. Elicit

Explain the reasoning for your use.

Streamlining literature review process exploring AUV technology research, to efficiently identify relevant studies and data trends.

Describe how you used it. 

You may wish to include a selection of representative prompts or link to your chats.

Was able to rapidly extract summaries and key findings from scientific papers, which helped me with context about the state of research on my topic.

Identify any risks introduced by your use of AI and how you mitigated these risks. Describe your process of quality assurance.

Reviewed the original sources in full to verify extracted information for accuracy and relevance, ensuring data integrity in the research process. I didn’t rely solely on Elicit to find sources, also using the DKL website, Google Scholar, and publications recommended by my advisor.

Example C Written in Paragraph Form 

Permission to use Elicit to support my preliminary research was granted via email following a discussion with my thesis advisor about research methodology standards. I used Elicit to streamline the literature review process of exploring AUV technology research, to efficiently identify relevant studies and data trends.

Using the tool, I was able to rapidly extract summaries and key findings from scientific papers, which helped me with context about the state of research on my topic.

I then reviewed the original sources in full to verify extracted information for accuracy and relevance, ensuring data integrity in the research process. I didn’t rely solely on Elicit to find sources; I also used the DKL website, Google Scholar, and publications recommended by my advisor.


Example D

What to Cover Example Language

Acknowledge you have permission to use the AI tools in the way you have used them.

My professor approved my use of generative AI to proofread my drafts to improve grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure but cautioned me to minimize AI influence on my phrasing and style.
Identify what tool you used. Grammarly (which is now more than a grammar checker)

Explain the reasoning for your use.

Using Grammarly to proofread is saving me time, improving the readability of my drafts, and teaching me to recognize grammar errors.

Describe how you used it. 

You may wish to include a selection of representative prompts or link to your chats.

I considered each recommendation given and accepted, rejected, or considered other edits I thought of.

Identify any risks introduced by your use of AI and how you mitigated these risks. Describe your process of quality assurance.

In my experience, it would be risky to blindly accept the recommended edits, because sometimes the recommendations made my writing more unclear or changed the meaning. There are terms used in my field that gen AI wants to change but should not be changed.

Example D Written in Paragraph Form

I used the enhanced version of Grammarly to proofread this paper to save time, improve the readability of my draft, and learn how to recognize grammar errors. My professor approved my use of generative AI in this way but cautioned me to minimize AI influence on my phrasing and style. I considered each recommendation given and accepted, rejected, and made other edits sparked by Grammarly’s recommendations. In my experience, it would be risky to blindly accept the recommended edits, because sometimes the recommendations made the writing more unclear or changed the meaning. There are terms used in my field that gen AI wants to change but should not be changed.


Example E

What to Cover Example Language

Acknowledge you have permission to use the AI tools in the way you have used them.

My professor encouraged us to use generative AI to debug code that we wrote for this project.
Identify what tool you used. ChatGPT 4

Explain the reasoning for your use.

This saved me hours of work. I learned from GPT as it explained why it made the changes, and my confidence grew as I learned in real-time that I had done much of the coding correctly to begin with.

Describe how you used it. 

You may wish to include a selection of representative prompts or link to your chats.

I provided ChatGPT with the code function and error messages. Then I input the code in chunks into the chat. I implemented the suggestions, then tested the revised code.

Identify any risks introduced by your use of AI and how you mitigated these risks. Describe your process of quality assurance.

I used an iterative process, testing the code as I went to ensure it worked as planned. Along the way I interacted with ChatGPT to get explanations of why changes were suggested to ensure my awareness and control over the final product.

Example E Written in Paragraph Form

My professor encouraged us to use generative AI to debug code that we wrote for this project. Using GPT 4.0 in this way saved me hours of work. I learned from GPT as it explained why it made the changes, and my confidence grew as I learned in real-time that I had done much of the coding correctly to begin with. I provided ChatGPT with the code function and error messages. Then I input the code in chunks into the chat. I implemented the suggestions, then tested the revised code. I used an iterative process, testing the code as I went to ensure it worked as planned. Along the way I interacted with ChatGPT to get explanations of why changes were suggested to ensure my awareness and control over the final product.