
Zotero tab doesn't appear in Word (Windows)

Word plug in

Option 1: In Zotero, use the reinstall button

  1. In Zotero, go to Preferences > Cite Word Processors > Reinstall Microsoft Word Add-in
  2. Open Word to verify installation.
  3. If that doesn't work, try closing then reopening Word.


Option 2: In Zotero, re-enable the add-onZotero tools add ons

  1. Close Word
  2. Open Zotero
  3. Go to Tools > Add-ons > Extensions
  4. If Zotero Word is disabled, re-enable it
  5. If Zotero Word is grayed out, click Remove and restart Zotero.
  6. If you don't see Zotero Word in the Extensions window at all, re-download and re-install Zotero.

Enable Zotero Word for Windows


Option 3: In Word, reactivate or re-enable the add-in

  1. In Word, go to File > Options > Add-ins
  2. See if the Zotero.dotm file is listed under Inactive or Disabled, you need to reactivate/reenable it
  3. Scroll down to Manage
  4. Select either Word Add-ins or Disabled Items in the dropdown
  5. Click Go
  6. Check the box to either reactivate or reenable the add-in

Add-in dialog box

Manage Word Add-ins

Exporting from the NPS Archive: Calhoun

Problem exporting

If you see the folder icon folder icon and the export is not working, try this:

  1. Open the PDF in your browser
  2. Use the Connector to export to Zotero
  3. Within Zotero, you will likely need to edit the record to get a properly formatted citation. For example, you might have to change the Item Type to "Thesis"
  4. Follow the Zotero example in the Citation Guide for your style

Zotero tab doesn't appear in Word 2016 (Mac)

Troubleshooting 1Zotero mac troubleshoot

  1. In Zotero, go to Preferences > Cite
  2. Click the Word Processors tab
  3. Click Reinstall or Install Microsoft Word Add-in
  4. If that doesn't work, try closing then reopening Word.




Troubleshooting 2Zotero Word view

  1. First check which version of Office you are using
  2. Update to the latest stable version of Word (15.41 or above)
  3. Open Word Preferences
  4. Click View
  5. Check Show developer tab and close the Preferences dialogZotero Word developer checkmark
  6. In the new Developer tab, click Word Add-ins
  7. Make sure Zotero.dotm is present and is checked under Global Templates and Add-ins
  8. If Zotero.dotm is not present, try reinstalling the Word plugin from Zotero as shown in the 3 steps above.


Zotero Word add in





Zotero word dotm








Can I use Zotero on NPS library and lab computers?

When on networked computer, you can add and edit items in your online zotero.org library in the cloud, but you cannot use it to cite in Word.

Footnotes and in-text citations don't update automatically


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