The Zotero Connector is the most convenient and reliable way to add items to your library. However, the quality of the resulting citation depends on the accuracy and completeness of the metadata provided by the source. Garbage in, garbage out.
Journal Article | Book | Webpage | Multiple Items | |
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It's easy to add items you find in the Library Search!
If there is a Full Text Availability link to an article database, try going to the database first, and use the Connector there to see if it will automatically export the PDF as well.
If you see the folder icon and the export is not working, try this:
Use the Connector
Drag and drop the PDF into the center pane.
Not all PDFs come with metadata. For example, a scanned PDF from your course site likely does not have metadata.
We recommend you try to find that article in the Library Search, a database, or Google Scholar -- some source that would likely provide you with the metadata
Only upload publicly releasable items to Zotero.
If there is no Info Tab with metadata:
If you don't get the Retrieval Complete window, you'll be prompted to install the PDF Tool. Proceed through the pop up windows: Open Preferences > Check for installer > Install
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It that doesn't work, you need to create a Parent Item (a record) to use for citing in Word.
If you already have the Parent Item, and you want to attach a PDF to it:
Drag and drop the PDF on top of the parent item or
Right click on the item > Add Attachment
(You can also use the paperclip icon)
Some students use ZotFile to manage their PDFs.
Use the Connector
Most commercially published books and journal articles have a standard unique identification number (ISBN for books, DOI for articles, ebooks, datasets, etc.).
To import using the ISBN or DOI, click on the magic wand and enter the number.
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Sometimes it may be easier and more accurate to add an item manually.
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