Historic Hotel Del Monte Tour Guide

El Prado Room (formerly The Grill Room, The Palm Grill Room and The Bali Room)

The El Prado Room, originally the Grill Room, was designed for late night dining, dancing and special events.

It was renamed the Bali Room in 1931 after 21 year-old Moira Wallace painted scenes of Balinese dancers throughout the room. The Bali Room became famous for its big band performances, which were broadcast nationally via Mutual Radio Network, as well as its theme night programs and outrageous parties. 


Circus Night 1936 (courtesy of the Lagorio Archives, Pebble Beach Company)

The hotel's magazine, Game & Gossip, often ran stories about theme parties and the notable guests who were there. Image courtesy of California History Room, Monterey Public Library.

Orient Night 1938 (courtesy of the Lagorio Archives, Pebble Beach Company)

(Above) Templeton Crocker, grand nephew of Charles Crocker, in his Orient Night attire.

(Below) Salvador and Gala Dali in their costumes for their party, Surrealistic Night at Del Monte. 

Menu cover (below) for Salvador Dali's 1941 party.

Bob Hope entertains personnel at the Naval Training School Del Monte in 1944.