For NPS theses, papers, and publications: to cite properly, follow these examples and apply the essential rules.
Select American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition for the citation style in Zotero and in Word.
If a source type does not appear in the Zotero examples, consult the examples page.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the in-text citations: remove the [ p. ] if you use a locator other than a page number.
(Bonds, 2014, p. Chapter 3, para. 1)
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: remove the [ . ] after the title.
Krishnan, A. (2008). War as business: Technological change and military service contracting. [Kindle DX version].
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name.
(Department of Labor [DOL], 2008)
DOL Department of Labor. (2008). The construction industry under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) [Fact sheet].
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name and add the full date.
(Department of Defense [DOD], 2005)
DOD Department of Defense. (2005, December 19). Information assurance training, certification, and workforce management (DOD Directive 8570.01-M).
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name.
(Joint Chiefs of Staff [JCS], 2017)
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2017). Countering air and missile threats (JP 3-01).
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name.
(Department of the Army [DA], 1994)
DA Department of the Army. (1994). Sniper training (FM 23-10).
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name and add the full date.
(Office of the Chief of Naval Operations [OPNAV], 2019)
OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. (2019, May 5). Navy Safety and Occupational Health program for forces afloat (OPNAVINST 5100.19F). Department of the Navy.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: add the full date.
Takai, T. M. (2013, March 28). Adoption of the national information exchange model within the Department of Defense [Memorandum]. Department of Defense.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: remove the [ , ] after the date.
S. Res. 438, 114th Cong., 162 Cong. Rec. 2394 (2016), (enacted).
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: add the pages or paragraphs cited.
Lessard v. Schmidt, 349 F. Supp. 1078, 1092–1104 (E.D. Wis. 1972).
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the statute and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full statute name.
(National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA],1969)
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. § 4331 (1969).
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: after the year, add the month(s) (and day if applicable).
Katz, F. (2020, January–March). You're grounded for life. Parenting Highlights Quarterly, 112(1), 22–27. ProQuest
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: add [ (Host). ] after the host's name.
McBracket, D. (Host). (2020, January 7). Taking the sigh out of citation (No. 846) [Audio podcast episode]. In Team Citation presents. Komodo Studios.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the reference entry: list the first six authors followed by [ … ] and then the last author.
Dixon, L., Clancy, N., Miller, B. M., Hoegberg, S., Lewis, M. M., Bender, B., Ebinger, S., Hodges, M., Syck, G. M., Nagy, C., & . . . Choquette, S. R. (2017). The cost and affordability of flood insurance in New York City (Report No. RR1776-NYCEDC). RAND.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name.
(National Toxicology Program [NTP], 2012)
NTP National Toxicology Program. (2012). Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of trimethylolpropane triacrylate (technical grade) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1/N mice (dermal studies) (Report No. TR-576). National Institutes of Health.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Cite in your text or format the in-text citation as shown in the Citation Guide example.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the in-text citations: delete the handle.
(Babygiraffe [@babygiraffehaslastlaugh], 2020)
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Edit the first in-text citation: add the full name of the organization and place the acronym in brackets.
Edit the reference entry: replace the acronym with the full organization name.
(Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], 2017)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2017, April 6). Forging papers to sell fake art.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.
Always check your output against the Citation Guide example.
For each source, ensure that your document has at least one in-text citation that has not been manually edited (i.e., put in signal-phrase format) to maintain the connection between Word and Zotero.