Citation Guide

How to enter the metadata in Zotero for each citation example

Zotero  Chicago Author-Date: Zotero Examples

   For NPS theses, papers, and publications: to cite properly, follow these examples and apply the essential rules.



Blog Post

                Chicago AD blog post             

Book > Audiobook

Book Chapter in Edited Book > One author, two editors

Chicago AD book chapter in edited book 

Book Chapter > Three authors, one editor > From the introduction, forward, preface, etc.

Reference Entry

Cordesman, Anthony H., Adam Mausner, and David Kasten. 2009. "Introduction." In Winning in Afghanistan: Creating Effective Afghan Security Forces, edited by John Smith, 1–12. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Chicago AD book section Introduction

Electronic Book > DOI or URL

Chicago AD book electronic with DOI

Electronic Book > From a book provider (Kindle)

 Chicago AD book electronic Kindle

Electronic Book > From a library database

Chicago AD book electronic from library database

Book > Print > One author

Chicago AD book print

Book > Print > Two authors with edition number

Chicago AD book print two authors with edition number

Book > Print > Three authors

Chicago AD book print three authors

Book Print > Four or more authors

Chicago AD book print four authors

Class Notes > Published

Chicago AD class notes published 

Lecture > Published (online)

Chicago AD lecture published 

Presentation or Workshop

Chicago AD presentation 

Computer Program / Software > Online

Reference Entry

Borenstein, Matthew, Lion Hedges, Jonah Higgins, and Hy Rothstein. 2005. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, Vversion 2. Englewood, NJ. Accessed February 3, 2016.

Chicago AD computer program

Conference Proceedings (online)

Reference Entry

Morentz, James W, Christopher Doyle, Lawrence Skelly, and Nabil Adam. 2009. “Unified Incident Command and Decision Support (UICDS) a Department of Homeland Security Initiative in Information Sharing.” In 2009 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, 182–87.

Chicago AD conference proceedings online

Conference Proceedings (print)

Chicago AD conference proceedings print 

Conference Proceedings > Paper > Unpublished

Chicago AD conference proceedings paper unpublished

Data Set > Published

Reference Entry

Suro, Roberto. 2004. “Changing Channels and Crisscrossing Culture: A Survey of Latinos on News Media.” Pew Research Center. 2004.

Chicago AD data set published 


Reference Entry

NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. n.d. (Oobject name IRAS F00400+4059; accessed October 6, 2009).

Chicago AD database

Dictionary / Encyclopedia > Author given

Dictionary / Encyclopedia > Organization as author

Reference Entry

Merriam-Webster. 2017. S.v. Mmetamorphosis.” In, Accessed July 6, 2017.

Chicago AD dictionary 

Fact Sheet

Chicago AD fact sheet 


First In-text Citation

(Department of Defense [DOD] 2005)

Reference Entry

DOD Department of Defense. 2005. Information Assurance Training, Certification, and Workforce Management. DOD Directive 8570.01-M. Washington, DC: Department of Defense.



Chicago AD doctrine 

Field Manual / Military Regulation

First In-text Citation

(Department of the Army [DA] 1994)

Reference Entry

DA Department of the Army. 1994. Sniper Training. FM 23-10. Washington, DC: Department of the Army.

Government Report > CRS Report

 Chicago AD CRS report

Government Report > GAO Report

Chicago AD GAO report 

Government Report > Strategy Document / Other Government Report



First In-text Citation

(Department of Defense [DOD] 2012, 95)

Reference Entry

DOD Department of Defense. 2012. Identification (ID) Cards Required by the Geneva Convention. DOD Instruction 1000.01. Washington, DC: Department of Defense.


Chicago AD memorandum

Handbook > Online

Chicago AD handbook online 

Handbook > Print

Chicago AD handbook print 

Journal Article > Online > DOI or URL

                Chicago AD journal article online             

Journal Article > Online > From a library database

                Chicago AD journal article from database

Journal Article > Print

Chicago AD journal article print

Magazine Article > Online > DOI or URL

Chicago AD magazine article with DOI or URL 

Magazine Article > Online > From a library database


Magazine Article > Print

Chicago AD magazine print 

Map > Google

Reference Entry

Google Maps. 2017. “Monterey Bay.” Accessed January 4, 2017.

Chicago AD Google Map 

Multimedia > Film


Multimedia > Video

Reference Entry

CNN. 2017. “US Military Sends Warships, Aircraft to Texas.” Video, August 31, 2017. 1:31.

Chicago AD video

Newspaper Article > Online > DOI or URL

Chicago AD newspaper online author given 

Newspaper Article > Online > From a library database

 Chicago AD newspaper article online from database

Newspaper Article > Print > No author given

                Chicago AD newspaper article print             


                Chicago AD patent             

Report > Research Report / Think Tank Report / White Paper (online)

Chicago AD research report 

Report > Technical Report > Agency as author (online)

Chicago AD technical report agency as author onlin

Report > Technical Report > Author given (online)

Chicago AD technical report author given onlin

Report > Technical Report > Author given (print)

Chicago AD technical report author given print 

Secondary / Indirect Source

Chicago AD secondary source 

Social Media

In-text Citations

If Facebook, delete the parentheses around the handle and put it in square brackets: (Babygiraffe [(@babygiraffehaslastlaugh)] 2016)

If not Facebook, delete the handle: (Babygiraffe (@babygiraffehaslastlaugh) 2016)

Reference Entry

Babygiraffe (@babygiraffehaslastlaugh). 2016. "I'm Ccuter Tthan Aany Sstupid Ppotato. They Ddon't Eeven Hhave Nnecks." Twitter, April 3, 2016, 5:02 a.m.

Chicago AD social media

Thesis / Dissertation > Dissertation > From a commercial database

Chicago AD dissertation from commercial database 

Thesis / Dissertation > From an institutional archive > Dissertation

Chicago AD dissertation from institutional archive

Thesis / Dissertation > From an institutional archive > Thesis

Chicago AD thesis from institutional archive

Unpublished Work > Print

Chicago AD unpublished print 

Unpublished Work > Accepted for publication (online)

In-text Citations

(Briscoe, forthcoming)

Unpublished Work > Submitted for publication (online)

Chicago AD unpublished submitted for publication 

Website / Webpage > Author and date given

Chicago AD author, date given 

Website / Webpage > No author > Organization as author

First In-text Citation

(Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] 2017)

Reference Entry

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. 2017. “Forging Papers to Sell Fake Art.” April 6, 2017.

Chicago AD website org as author

Website / Webpage > No date given

First In-text Citation

(Department of Defense [DOD], n.d.) 

Reference Entry

DOD Department of Defense. n.d. “About the Department of Defense (DOD).” Accessed April 18, 2017.

Chicago AD website no date

Website / Webpage > Janes Example



Reference Entry

Wikipedia. 2017. S.v. “Kurt Vonnegut.” Last modified July 8, 2017.

Chicago AD wikipedia 

Working Paper / Occasional Paper

Reference Entry

Linguine, Lila. 2014. “Anteaters and Aardvarks: Power Critters.” Working paper., Animal Rights Institute. www.aanda.power/careers.html.

Chicago AD working paper